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Agerhell's user avatar
Agerhell's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
22 votes

How does an ordinary object become radioactive?

4 votes

Does the density of an object play a role for it's gravitational effects?

3 votes

The distance square in the Newton's law of universal gravitation is really a square?

3 votes

Voyager spacecrafts life span and theory of relativity

2 votes

Does potential energy in gravitational field increase mass?

2 votes

What is the exact gravitational force between two masses including relativistic effects?

2 votes

Time dilation in a gravitational field

2 votes

Isotropic Schwarzschild coordinates

2 votes

Could gravity be repulsive at short distances?

2 votes

Time dilation factor for the circular orbit at 3/2 Schwarzschild radius

2 votes

Derivation of Post-Newtonian (PN) expression for acceleration in Schwarzschild geometry

2 votes

Whats the difference between the Photon Sphere and the Marginally bound orbit?

1 vote

Energy of an object near a black hole

1 vote

Separating the topics of general and special relativity

1 vote

Gravitational Redshift

1 vote

Mass of collapsing spherical shell

1 vote

Why is the gravitational force always attractive?

1 vote

Why are orbits $1.5r_{s} < r < 3r_{s}$ unstable around a Schwarzschild black hole?

1 vote

Inertial frames?

1 vote

Relativistic kinetic energy has no upper bound, so why is there a Schwarzschild radius?

1 vote

How does the speed (and kinetic energy) necessary to orbit a black hole vary with the radius of orbit?

1 vote

Can Schwarzschild acceleration be written in exact form as a function of position and velocity vector?

1 vote

Could a trajectory around a large mass ever deflect by more than 180 degrees due to general relativistic effects?

1 vote

Is overusing gravitational slingshots a real concern?

0 votes

Cause-effect definition of fictitious forces

0 votes

Can Schwarzschild acceleration be written in exact form as a function of position and velocity vector?

0 votes

Can Schwarzschild acceleration be written in exact form as a function of position and velocity vector?

0 votes

Time Dilation in Orbits in the Schwarzschild Metric

0 votes

Equivalence Principle in Newtonian Physics vs GR: A Thought Experiment

0 votes

Will free-fall object into black hole exceed speed of light $c$ before hitting black hole surface?