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KF Gauss's user avatar
KF Gauss
  • Member for 11 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Cambridge, MA
81 votes

How do I experimentally measure the surface area of a rock?

21 votes

Why no proton microscopes? Proton diffraction; or proton scattering experiments? Proton crystallography?

19 votes

Reverse of diffraction

17 votes

Isotopes and electron transitions

15 votes

Why do we even need RF cavities to accelerate particles?

15 votes

Limit on how many photons can hit a surface

9 votes

What is the minimum number of metal atoms necessary to make a mirror?

9 votes

What colour is an electron?

9 votes

The difference between optical phonons and acoustic phonons in terms of energy absorption

9 votes

Why aren't particles constantly "measured" by the whole universe?

8 votes

Why does a transition between 2 $s$-orbitals work for cesium's clock transition?

8 votes

Why are magnetic monopoles "incompatible" with quantum mechanics?

8 votes

Do superconducting materials have "zero" work function?

7 votes

Evading the $J=0$ to $J'=0$ forbidden selection rule?

7 votes

How does the wavefunction inherit the symmetries from the Hamiltonian?

7 votes

Do hadrons have color moments?

7 votes

Thermal conductivity of superconducting material

6 votes

Why does diamond-graphite phase digram not contain a critical point?

6 votes

Why don't we have a "Cooper pair" of two holes in a superconductor?

6 votes

Is number of photons undefined for a classical EM wave?

6 votes

Are electrostatic forces enough to trap charged particles?

6 votes

Why can't the density difference between the liquid and solid be an appropriate order parameter for liquid-to-solid transition?

5 votes

Does phononic "Superconductivity" exist?

5 votes

Where does Huygens–Fresnel principle follow from?

5 votes

Matsubara Field Theory - what does imaginary time $\tau$ in $G(\tau,\mathbf{x})$ mean?

5 votes

Why is the k=0 phonon neglected when calculating Debye-Waller factor?

5 votes

How is the Geometric Phase measured in the experiment?

5 votes

Is there a three-body exclusive interaction?

5 votes

What is QED about "Cavity QED"?

4 votes

Do excited states of hydrogen give cosmologically relevant hyperfine transitions?

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