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Natsfan's user avatar
Natsfan's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Arlington, VA
1 vote

Do you know of any video lectures in nuclear and particle physics?

1 vote

When does semi-empirical mass formula break down?

1 vote

High dead time related to increasing amplifier gain?

1 vote

To freeze salt water

1 vote

What happens when a neutron is absorbed by a regular protium hydrogen atom?

1 vote

Do two objects at different temperatures disipate heat evenly?

1 vote

Means to improve precision and accuracy

1 vote

Does sunlight affect the power of a laser?

1 vote

ICBM Range vs Rotation of the Earth

1 vote

Glowing metal: different visual spectrum?

1 vote

Joules in zero-gravity in space

1 vote

How is a source of sound in air set up a sound wave in an elastic medium such as glass?

1 vote

Atom interferometry,gravity and inertia: What can it measure that light interferometry can't?

1 vote

Does lead or steel become radioactive when exposed to intense gamma ray?

1 vote

Is the space between galaxies that are close to each other contracting?

1 vote

Under ideal circumstances, is it possible to construct a 100% efficient photoelectric circuit?

1 vote

Moving a charge with constant velocity

1 vote

Why will you float in free fall with 0 relative acceleration?

1 vote

At what altitude does oxygen have no effect on the shape of a rocket?

1 vote

Uncertainty in counting population? Vs uncertainty in measuring length?

1 vote

Can elements be "Made" or "Cloned"?

1 vote

Multi wavelength lasers

1 vote

Venusian days vs. Terrestrial days: Why the Big Difference in Length?

1 vote

Why does the Bohr model give the correct energy levels for hydrogen even though it assumes a circular orbit?

1 vote

Can a heated surface heat a solid on it above the temperature of the surface itself?

1 vote

Does a 9,192,631,770 Hz hyperfine transition create 9,192,631,770 photons per second, or fewer?

1 vote

Do different ways of vaporizing water have different efficiencies?

1 vote

What can generate a larger gravitational fiel than the earth?

1 vote

Are interference patterns the basis for all other measurements of light frequencies and wavelengths?

1 vote

Does the thickness of germanium dioxide affect the amount of infrared light that passes through it?

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