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Utkarsh futous's user avatar
Utkarsh futous's user avatar
Utkarsh futous
  • Member for 7 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
  • India
1 vote

How many different axes of rotation can coexist?

1 vote

Why is the Voltage across a Inductor not equal to 0 when the switch is closed?

1 vote

Induced EMF perpendicular to the length of the wire

1 vote

Why does the wind speed increase when streamlines approach each other?

1 vote

Resistivity in terms of temperature coefficient of resistance

1 vote

Torque and Conservation of Angular Momentum

0 votes

Finding kinematic equation with time-varying acceleration

0 votes

Tensile force on a metal cable

0 votes

Potential energy and the work-energy theorem

0 votes

Why the potential inside a solid conducting sphere is non zero while the electric field inside is zero?

0 votes

What happens if an electric charge is run through a resistor on both ends?

0 votes

Resolution of acceleration due to gravity along initial direction of projectile

0 votes

If I add more weights to a k'nex car at the top of a ramp, why does the distance traveled along the ground decrease after leaving the ramp?

0 votes

Does mass of a charged particle change with time when it's moving in a magnetic field?

0 votes

Is potential difference or potential used in defining capacitance?

0 votes

Specific resistance of semiconductors

0 votes

The mechanics of retention of velocity/acceleration when an object is dropped from a moving body

0 votes

Drawing gravitational equipotential surfaces

0 votes

Potential sign question

0 votes

Regarding dimensions

0 votes

Finding the Tension with Friction and Pulley

0 votes

Uniform circular motion on an unbanked road

0 votes

Where does the reaction force act? Does it act on the centre of mass?

0 votes

Current in circuits and conductivity

0 votes

Difference between heat and enthalpy

0 votes

Evaporation Rate

0 votes

How does tension apply a downward force parallel to mg?