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Gerard's user avatar
Gerard's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a week ago
87 votes

Why does kinetic energy increase quadratically, not linearly, with speed?

29 votes

Is Angular Momentum truly fundamental?

14 votes

How can I measure the mass of the Earth at home?

10 votes

How can we make an order-of-magnitude estimate of the strength of Earth's magnetic field?

7 votes

What is up and down conversion in photonics?

7 votes

Madelung transformation

6 votes

What were Einstein's reasons for the work on viscosity/Brownian motion?

4 votes

Why can't the outcome of a QM measurement be calculated a-priori?

4 votes

Why is it so hard to accelerate macroscopic objects?

4 votes

Is electricity instantaneous?

3 votes

How is electrical energy transmitted?

2 votes

Why does one experience a short pull in the wrong direction when a vehicle stops?

1 vote

What are insightful/impressive experiments for adults

1 vote

Stellar aberration in a water-filled telescope

0 votes

What does it mean to multiply the precession of the earth's axis with $\sin{(23.5)}$?

0 votes

A little question about $F_g = F_c$

0 votes

Time-reversal in a simple current loop

0 votes

What does it mean a temperature of billions of degrees?

0 votes

Gravity on a doughnut-shaped/Möbius planet

0 votes

Magnetic charge and magnetic fine structure constant in SI units

-1 votes

What happens when particle-antiparticle pairs annihilate in MWI?