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tbt's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

If shaking a soda bottle does not increase the air pressure inside, what causes soda to come out if I poke a hole?

3 votes

How many connected components are there in the vacuum manifold of $\phi^4$ theory?

2 votes

Factorising a 4D Dirac delta function in a rest frame

2 votes

About Density Matrix of a Particle

2 votes

Dyson expansion for the density matrix

2 votes

Electromagnetic radiation flux through null infinity

2 votes

Bremsstrahlung explanation using wave model of electromagnetic radiation

2 votes

Reciprocal Lattice and Fourier Transforms

1 vote

Simple reason why the correlator of a vector with two identical scalars vanishes?

1 vote

Integrating a function defined in Matsubara frequencies

1 vote

Why does the bulk of a superconducting material expel magnetic field but not that of a perfect conductor?

1 vote

Why $\phi(k)$ does not depend on time in the free particle case?

1 vote

Are non-zero-area pulses of electromagnetic radiation possible?

1 vote

What are the symmetries associated to the conservation of quantum numbers?

1 vote

Coherent States Path Integral of Harmonic Oscillators

1 vote

Thermal/finite temperature quantum field theory: online lectures and best books

1 vote

Relation between differentiation of one-form basis and Christoffel Symbols

0 votes

Are there exactly three physically relevant operators that commute with $H$ for helium?

0 votes

Transition Amplitude

0 votes

What is the energy-momentum tensor of a current density?