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Tofi's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

What are the accelerations of blocks?

6 votes

How do ceiling fans cool or heat?

6 votes

Why do stationary pools of water not rotate?

5 votes

Vapour pressure and boiling

5 votes

Convective derivative vs total derivative

5 votes

Proving an intuitive fact rigorously

4 votes

I can not understand following: "$P = \rho_m RT$", is the document of Wikipedia wrong?

4 votes

Degrees of freedom of constrained rigid body

4 votes

What is the difference between translational angular momentum and rotational angular momentum?

4 votes

Is it possible to create weighing machine with water indicator

4 votes

Intuitive analysis of gradient, divergence, curl

4 votes

If energy of a wave is proportional to frequency, why are higher-powered lightbulbs brighter?

3 votes

How many Maxwell relations are there in thermodynamics?

3 votes

Where do the electrons come from in DC generator

3 votes

Why do the wavefornts of water waves always come out to be circular irrespective of the shape of the stone?

3 votes

Decreased period of pendulum

3 votes

It more efficient to generate heat burning electrolyzed hydrogen, or through an electric resistance?

3 votes

Why friction increase subsonic speed through pipe?

3 votes

Layman explanation of the Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor?

2 votes

Is there an algorithm for real-time fluid simulations with Fluid-structure interaction with viscous fluids?

2 votes

What makes the mixing of two fluids turbulent?

2 votes

Why does centre of mass formula always lead to a vector joining origin to com point for whichever origin that one may choose?

2 votes

Is this vector diagram of the forces at play in turning flight correct?

2 votes

What if we travel near to the speed of light and look at a light beam moving in the same direction?

2 votes

Why do ten-pin bowlers prefer heavier bowling balls?

2 votes

Capacitance of a plate capacitor with a piece of electrical conductor inside

2 votes

First law of thermodynamics (derivation)

2 votes

Different results for thermal resistances using different methods

2 votes

Special Realtivity: Kinematic experiment in a car

2 votes

What is the translational velocity of a sphere after rolling down a hill?