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Quantumwhisp's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
20 votes

Apparent paradox between Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of classical mechanics

19 votes

How is the work done to push a planet over 1m with 1N the same as pushing a feather over 1m with 1N?

16 votes

Has anyone ever come up with a formulation of quantum mechanics in which the action is an operator?

8 votes

Is the pressure higher in the corners?

8 votes

Why are the electric force and magnetic force classified as electromagnetism?

8 votes

Two permanent magnets are allowed to attract each other. The field energy MUST decrease as they speed up. But Griffiths implies it INCREASES. How?

8 votes

Existing (possibly everyday) technologies that must account for electromagnetic momentum?

7 votes

Increasing a potential causes increase in energy levels

4 votes

When does $\langle \hat A \hat B \rangle =\langle\hat A \rangle \langle \hat B\rangle$?

4 votes

According to Conservation of Momentum, a gun in a sealed box should not have recoil?

4 votes

Is anything lost by simply saying that a charge is nothing but the divergence of a field?

4 votes

Are electrons in a p n junction delocalized across the junction?

3 votes

How does Ehrenfest's theorem apply to the quantum harmonic oscillator?

3 votes

A mathematically illogical argument in the derivation of Hamilton's equation in Goldstein

3 votes

How to prove the equivalence of two different definitions of $S$-operator?

3 votes

Importance of energy relation in Landau & Lifschitz "Statistical Physics"?

3 votes

Is it true that an object, in course of its motion, always seeks the position of minimum potential energy?

3 votes

Why did Trebuchet have so long throwing arms?

3 votes

Is Kirchhoff's Law Applicable for non-conservative electric field?

2 votes

Applying Newton's 3rd law in electromagnetic systems

2 votes

Electrical injuries - Doorknob vs powerline

2 votes

Newtons third law with two charged particles

2 votes

How does resistor affect drift velocity?

2 votes

Generalized definitions of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian functions

2 votes

Curvature of Hilbert space

2 votes

Is there a proof that shows that the total Hamiltonian for a non-interacting system is the sum of Hamiltonians of the components?

2 votes

Basic QFT: Operator/Bra/Ket Order

2 votes

Rolling ball and number of generalized co-ordinates

2 votes

How are all microstates equally likely to occur if indistinguishable permutations of a microstate are counted as the same microstate?

2 votes

How does the human ear guess the source of the sound?