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In QFT, regularization is a method of addressing divergent expressions by introducing an arbitrary regulator, such as a minimal distance *ϵ* in space, or maximal energy *Λ*. While the physical divergent result is obtained in the limit in which the regulator goes away, *ϵ* → 0 or *Λ* → ∞, the regularized result is finite, allowing comparison and combination of results as functions of *ϵ, Λ*. Use for dimensional regularization as well.

In quantum field theory, regularization is a method of addressing divergent expressions, normally integrals, by introducing an arbitrary regulator, such as a minimal distance ϵ in space, or maximal energy,momentum cutoff Λ. While the physical divergent result is obtained in the limit in which the regulator goes away, ϵ → 0 or Λ → ∞, the regularized result is finite, allowing comparison and combination of results as functions of ϵ, Λ,..., and systematic accounting of the combinations that are independent of, or simply dependent on these. Use for dimensional regularization as well.