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61 votes

Can light become a satellite of a black hole?

No, light cannot form stable, bound orbits around a black hole. The possible trajectories of light around a Schwarzschild black hole are conveniently parameterised in terms of the "impact ...
ProfRob's user avatar
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4 votes

Can light become a satellite of a black hole?

The simplest explanation might be that the solution of the 2 body problem, is an elliptic trajectory whose speed is higher on the aphelia that on the perihelia. However, since light has a constant ...
Camion's user avatar
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2 votes

Shot noise limited detection

Shot noise is caused by the quantum nature of light. I assume you're familiar with the idea. Speaking loosely, light is described by a wave function that spreads like in classical wave optics, but on ...
David_h's user avatar
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1 vote

Is Hadamard gate considered a valid beam splitter when dealing with multiple beam splitters?

Firstly, a Hadamard gate is an abstract theoretical device, while a beamsplitter is a physical optical component. So, the question whether "a Hadamard gate is a valid beam splitter" does not ...
flippiefanus's user avatar
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1 vote

The 'width' of a photon, Young's Slits vs. Gravitational lensing

Gravitational lensing creating two images isn't actually an instance of the two slit effect. In the case of gravitational lensing, imagine a heavy thing (like a black hole or galaxy) between you and ...
controlgroup's user avatar
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