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2 votes

Are the accelerated charges the real reason for the magnetic induction?

Yes, this explanation works in cases where the EMF is due to electric current in a stationary circuit changing in time. Magnetic flux is proportional to current, so according to the Faraday law, ...
Ján Lalinský's user avatar
2 votes

Changing the magnetic field of earth

In 2022, the total energy consumption of humanity was estimated at 24,398 terawatt-hours (about 24.398 terawatts continuously for the whole year), while the Earth's magnetic field's total energy is ...
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1 vote

Induced E.M.F without changes in magnetic flux

You still have the Lorentz force $F=q*v*B$ if v is perpendicular to B. If you measure the voltage at the end of the wire you have an enclosed area with the wire and the voltmeter, otherwise there is ...
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