What is the potential energy and kinetic energy for capacitor and inductor?
In Lagrangian mechanics the criterion is that the solution to the equation corresponds to a point in variation space such that the derivative of the Action with respect to variation is zero.
Let the ...
Why is charge on a conductor stable?
Yes that's right, for a charged conductor the electric field outside the surface is directed such as to pull charge off the surface. The reason the charge doesn't leave the surface is to do with what ...
What is the potential energy and kinetic energy for capacitor and inductor?
According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LC_circuit
the equation for current in an LC-circuit is:
$$ \ddot I(t) + \frac 1 {LC} I(t) = 0 $$
comparing that with a harmonic oscillator:
$$ m\ddot x(t) + ...
What is the potential energy and kinetic energy for capacitor and inductor?
Kinetic energy is $1/2mv^2$ of a moving mass. The kinetic energy of a current is tiny. First, electrons are $1800$ times lighter than protons and neutrons. And only a fraction of the electrons of ...
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