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33 votes

Why is Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) Model model important?

People hope that it may be an example of AdS/CFT correspondence that can be completely understood. AdS/CFT correspondence itself has been an incredibly important idea in the hep-th community over the ...
user2309840's user avatar
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21 votes

Why is Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) Model model important?

SYK model provides us with the simplest example of holography which is much easier to study than canonical $AdS_5 \times S^5$ case due to much lower dimensionality. It was the initial motivation for ...
Andrey Feldman's user avatar
8 votes

Why is there a Cardy formula in 2D CFT?

This question was just bumped to the homepage, so let me try to give a physical answer to explain why modular invariance is particular to two dimensions. The Cardy formula tells you something about ...
TempAccount2020's user avatar
8 votes

AdS Space Black Holes Penrose Diagram

The difference lies in spatial infinity: AdS like spacetimes have timelike infinity while Schwarzschild spacetime has a lightlike infinity. In general the prescription to build Penrose diagrams of ...
Rodrigo Fontana's user avatar
8 votes

Isn't AdS/CFT an end to String theory as a fundamental theory?

If string theory were really a UV completion of gravity then it would make a prediction for quantum gravity S-matrix elements when Newton's constant is large. But this cannot be done with the ...
Connor Behan's user avatar
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8 votes

About the paper "Traversable wormhole dynamics on a quantum processor"

It is just a calculation with 9 (noisy) qubits, easily simulated on a classical computer. There is no reason to do it on real quantum hardware except to demonstrate that the hardware functions as ...
benrg's user avatar
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7 votes

D3-brane in AdS/CFT correspondance

$3$-branes are special in the following sense: only for $p=3$, the black p-brane solution admits a constant dilaton, while it is running for $p\not=3$. In particular, the dilaton $\phi$ diverges at ...
physicus's user avatar
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7 votes

Differences and relations between CFTs defined on the complex plane and CFTs defined on the torus?

A CFT on any surface must have an associative OPE. This constrains both the spectrum and the OPE coefficients. This condition is enough for the CFT to be consistent on the plane, but not on the torus. ...
Sylvain Ribault's user avatar
7 votes

Is there non-locality in the AdS/CFT?

You may find a small set of articles discussing non-commutative field theories, or dipole field theories, or field theories in the presence of a magnetic field. These types of field theories will ...
user2309840's user avatar
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7 votes

AdS/CFT scalar 3-point function integral from Feynman parametrization?

A few months ago, I also needed the result of this computation of the three-point contact Witten diagram by Freedman, Mathur, Matusis and Rastelli. I was also flabbergasted by the lack of detail in ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
7 votes

Does string theory violate general covariance?

Superstring theory has many local symmetries that are not manifest, coming from the BRST charge identifications in the covariant formalism, $|\psi\rangle\cong|\psi\rangle + Q|\chi\rangle$. Those ...
Nogueira's user avatar
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7 votes

Relationship between scaling dimension and mass in AdS/CFT

This is a bit long, but I'm going to be super precise. Let's work in Poincare coordinates in AdS, $$ ds^2 = \frac{L^2}{z^2} ( dz^2 + dx^\mu dx_\mu ) . $$ $\Delta$ is the eigenvalue of scale ...
Prahar's user avatar
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6 votes

Is $\mathcal{N} = 4$ SYM a "toy model"?

$\mathcal N = 4$ SYM is useful to study aspects of perturbation theory, especially since exact solutions are known. It is not possible to describe our physical world with it though. You mention the ...
Neuneck's user avatar
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6 votes

de-Sitter space as near-horizon limit of Black Holes

For 4D spacetimes with positive cosmological constant, de Sitter factor can emerge as a near-horizon limit in maximal Schwarzschild–de Sitter and Kerr–de Sitter black holes, when the event horizon of ...
A.V.S.'s user avatar
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6 votes

String theory in ${\rm AdS}_3$ and the ${\rm SL}{(2,\mathbb{R})}$ WZW model on the worldsheet

Preliminary: $\mathrm{AdS_3}$ can be embedded in $\mathbb R^{2,2}$ subject to the hyperboloid constraint $-\eta_{\mu\nu}x^\mu x^\nu=L^2$, $\eta_{\mu\nu}=\mathrm{diag}(-1,-1,1,1)$. This can ...
Nihar Karve's user avatar
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6 votes

Computing the DBI action on $S^5$

It should work as follows. By your "ansatz" the relevant metric reduces to $$ds^2 = -(1- \dot{\phi}^2\sin^2 \theta)dt^2 + d\theta^2 + \cos^2 \theta d\Omega_3^2 \ ,$$ where $d\Omega_3^2$ is ...
psm's user avatar
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6 votes

Calculation of interaction of gravitational waves with a black hole

I don't know why you need AdS/CTF correspondence for that? There is a good derivation found here (page 64 to 90). To give a quick overview: You can calculate the propagation of gravitational waves on ...
Samuel Adrian Antz's user avatar
5 votes

Has Sen quantized superstring fields?

(Note that I am only starting to study these works and I may be wrong on some points.) The paper you are quoting is indeed providing a full definition of (type II and heterotic) superstring theory (...
Harold's user avatar
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5 votes

Bulk-to-Boundary propagator

In order to show that some function is the Delta distribution, you have to show that It is zero except for where the argument of the function vanishes. It integrates to 1 when integrated over the ...
physicus's user avatar
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5 votes

AdS/CFT correspondence and M-theory

1) There is a version of AdS/CFT which relates M-theory on $AdS_7 \times S^4$ background and 6D ${\cal N}=(2,0)$ SCFT which is an effective theory describing the worldvolume physics of M5 branes. See, ...
Andrey Feldman's user avatar
5 votes

Does CFT in AdS/CFT live in flat spacetime?

The CFT in AdS/CFT lives on the asymptotic boundary of the AdS space. The asymptotic boundary is a conformal manifold associated to any "visibility manifold". See this paper of Eberlein and O'Neil (...
Ryan Thorngren's user avatar
5 votes

Can String Theory really fail to contain a de Sitter vacua?

I haven't read the paper by Danielsson and Van Riet, but they seem to be in good company here. Recently, four prominent string theorists wrote a paper that suggested (even metastable) De Sitter space ...
Stijn B.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Why is there no gauge-invariant local operator in GR?

For gauge theories, observables (schematically) are functions of the form \begin{equation} \mbox{observable}\colon \frac{\mbox{phase space}}{\mbox{gauge symmetries}}\to\mathbb{R}, \end{equation} which ...
Alex Nelson's user avatar
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5 votes

Where is the proof of AdS/CFT?

There are lots of AdS/CFT correspondences, because there are lots of CFTs with the right properties to have a gravity dual. However, as far as I know, none of them have been proven. Since we don't ...
Chiral Anomaly's user avatar
5 votes

What are the necessary conditions for a CFT to have a holographic dual?

The introduction to this answers a part of my question in a concise manner. The following points are necessary in order for the CFT to have a holographic dual. The first AdS/CFT papers (Maldacena, ...
Bruce Lee's user avatar
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Holographic dual to baryon

A proposal for the holographic dual of QCD is given by the so-called Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model $[1,2,3]$. The Witten background is a solution of a consistent truncation of Type IIA supergravity (...
MannyC's user avatar
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5 votes

What does tilde denote here?

If you scroll down to the appendix, that paper uses the notation from this review paper, which in turn defines $\widetilde{\mathrm G}$ to be the universal cover of $\mathrm G$.
J. Murray's user avatar
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AdS/CFT with circle boundary

What you're seeing is that if we limit ourselves to the simplest definition of "boundary", then AdS doesn't have one. Taking $z \to 0$ in Poincare co-ordinates \begin{equation} ds^2 = \frac{...
Connor Behan's user avatar
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5 votes

Why and how we study different limits in quantum gravity?

Not a complete answer, but usually these limits are taken to make mathematical calculations possible. For instance when non-perturbative calculations are hard (basically every time) one can expand ...
Rexcirus's user avatar
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4 votes

AdS/CFT, QCD & String Phenomenology

Within string theory, the following two quests are not competing and only distantly related: Finding a UV completion of the Standard Model that incorporates gravity. Find holographic duals to gauge ...
physicus's user avatar
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