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Quantum mechanics describes the microscopic properties of nature in a regime where classical mechanics no longer applies. It explains phenomena such as the wave-particle duality, quantization of energy, and the uncertainty principle and is generally used in single-body systems. Use the quantum-field-theory tag for the theory of many-body quantum-mechanical systems.

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1 answer

Doesn't the Copenhagen Interpretation violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics? [closed]

It feels like the transition from a sea of probability of a droplet of precision (or wave, depending what you're looking for) would be a loss of entropy, if so wouldn't this violate the Second Law? Or …
Leo's Lizard's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

No-go theorems: when can we go there?

For a field founded on probability and uncertainty, QM seems to have quite a few "rules" describing what is not possible. Are there any circumstances under which the no communication, no cloning or re …
Leo's Lizard's user avatar