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Pair production is the creation of an elementary particle and its antiparticle out of a neutral boson, typically a photon, but sometimes a gluon.

29 votes

How does gamma-gamma pair production really work?

Quantum field theory does not offer a description of "how" its processes work, just like Newtonian mechanics doesn't offer an explanation of "how" forces impart acceleration or general relativity an e …
ACuriousMind's user avatar
  • 129k
3 votes

Pair annihilation - can annihilation be moderated?

Within current quantum field theory, it does not make sense to ask "how long" a particular process takes to occur. There is a certain probability that a particle and its antiparticle annihilate. But t …
ACuriousMind's user avatar
  • 129k
1 vote

Pair production: photon collides with an electron

Nothing happens to it. The electron - or the nucleus or whatever other object that interacts with the photon to make pair production possible - just participates for momentum conservation, since a si …
ACuriousMind's user avatar
  • 129k