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title:apples body:"apples oranges" |
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Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is the quantum field theory believed to describe electromagnetic interaction. It is the simplest example of a quantum gauge theory, where the gauge group is abelian, U(1).
Basic question regarding Feynman diagrams
Well I find hard to believe that you have to draw all the diagrams, since they are infinite. You probably have to draw only the first order ones. Start by drawing the in and out external legs and see …
$T$-Channel matrix element
I assume this is a Compton scattering, so wavy line = photon and straight line = electron.
In this case the photon is massless, so $p_4^2 = p_1^2 = 0$.
So expanding the definition of $k$ you find for …
Why is Thomson scattering the low energy limit of Compton scattering?
The limit you have to take to go from the Klein-Nishina computation to the Thomson case is the non-relativistic limit.
The KN computation "is "quantum" in the sense that you are treating the photon as …