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user:1234 user:me (yours) |
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title:apples body:"apples oranges" |
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Distributions are generalized functions, such as, e.g., the Dirac delta function. DO NOT USE THIS TAG for statistical probability distributions, profiles, graphs, plots, etc.
Charge Density for a Rod
First, the $\rho'(\vec r)$ is not correct. I change it to the following $\rho_2$ in Eq.(2), for $r<b$ by the step function $\Theta(b-r)$.
The equestion is what is the different between the following t …
What is the charge distribution of an Electric Quadrupole?
Starting from the given potential:
$$ {\newcommand{\r}{\vec{r}}}
\phi_2(\r) = \frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_0} \sum_{ij} \frac{3r_ir_j - r^2\delta_{ij}}{r^5}Q_{ij}
First examine
\ …
How to solve double delta potential bound states by "brute force"
Let's write wave functions in these three regions for a level of energy $-E, E>0$. The corresponding exponent of wavefunction is $q = \sqrt{\frac{2 m E}{\hbar^2}}$:
Region 1: $x < -a$
\Psi_1(x) …
Functional derivative for $J[f]=\int [f(y)]^p \phi(y)dy$
Since $\delta(x)$ is not an operational function, it can only be defined by a limiting process. Your variation is in fact including two limiting processes. For multi-limiting processes, the order of t …
Dirac delta, Heaviside step, and volume charge density
Because there is a $\delta(r-a)$ in the $\rho(\vec{r})$, therefore as long as the integral is concerned, these two expressions give same answer to the result of integration. They can be differentiate …