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Newtonian mechanics discusses the movement of classical bodies under the influence of forces by applying Newton’s three laws. For more general concepts, use [classical-mechanics]. For Newton’s description of gravity, use [newtonian-gravity].

3 votes
1 answer

Mass falling onto a spring from an inclined plane

I was studying for my AP Physics test when I came across the following problem, which seemed to confuse me: The ramp is frictionless, and the spring is initially at it's relaxed length, and the angl …
Shreyas B.'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Frictional force on an inclined plane with applied force = Mgsinx - Mgcos x?

I was reading Introduction to Classical Mechanics (Morin) recently and came across this example, which said that the friction force (marked $F_f$) is $Mg\sin\theta - Mg\cos\theta$. However, I can't s …
Shreyas B.'s user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do I use the Doppler effect equation when the direction of motion is unknown?

This was one of the problems on one of the AP Physics Practice tests I was working on, when I came across a small discrepancy: A bat named Reggie hunts insects in a cave. Bats use sound waves to loca …
Shreyas B.'s user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Oscillation of a particle due to electrostatic attraction of 4 rods

I came across this problem in a previous year's version of my AP Physics test, about oscillations and waves. Here is the problem: My solution: Since we know $\frac{F}{m} = a, -\omega^2x = \frac{-4 …
Shreyas B.'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Gauss's Law for Gravity to find the Gravitational field of a finite rod

To find the gravitational field at Point P in the figure: One solution is to draw the field of a mass $$\mathrm{d}\vec{g} =\frac{G\,\mathrm{d}m}{r^2}$$ and integrate over $\mathrm{d}m$, adding vecto …
Shreyas B.'s user avatar