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Particle physics is the study of the fundamental forces of nature as they are embodied in the interactions of elementary and composite particles at high energies and short time and distance scales. DO NOT USE THIS TAG for point particles in classical mechanics.

1 vote
1 answer

Would moving quarks constitute a current?

I know that it would take an almost infinite amount of energy to isolate quarks, but let's say we've gotten past that and we have isolated quarks and put them in motion. Would that be a current since …
M Barbosa's user avatar
  • 509
3 votes

Do radio waves travel around the Earth or through it?

No, radio signals do not go through the Earth. Not for any one reason, but for a series of reasons, many of which have been talked about here so I will make a comprehensive list, and there might be ev …
M Barbosa's user avatar
  • 509
5 votes
3 answers

How do we know that an electron "spins"?

As far as I know, you can't necessarily isolate an electron to observe it, you can only observe its effects on other particles due to fields. Moreover, we can't know an electron's exact location or ho …
M Barbosa's user avatar
  • 509