The [Feynman propagator]( for the QM harmonic oscillator reads $$\tag{A} \Delta_F(t)~=~ \int \frac{\mathrm{d}\nu}{2\pi}~ e^{i\nu t} \frac{i}{\nu^2-\omega^2}~=~ \frac{1}{2\omega} \sum_{\pm}\theta(\pm t)e^{\mp i\omega t}~=~\Delta_F(-t), $$ where $\theta$ denotes the [Heaviside step function](, and $\omega>0$ is the characteristic angular frequency of the harmonic oscillator. The time derivative is $$\tag{B} \dot{\Delta}_F(t)~=~ \frac{1}{2i} \sum_{\pm}\pm\theta(\pm t)e^{\mp i\omega t}, $$ where the two contributions in eq. (B) proportional to the delta function $\delta(t)$ have cancelled out. Hence $$\tag{C} \Delta^3_F(t)~=~ \frac{1}{8\omega^3} \sum_{\pm}\theta(\pm t)e^{\mp 3i\omega t}, $$ and $$\tag{D} \dot{\Delta}^2_F(t)\Delta_F(t)~=~ \frac{-1}{8\omega} \sum_{\pm}\theta(\pm t)e^{\mp 3i\omega t}. $$ It should be stressed that the Feynman $i\epsilon$ prescription is implicit understood in the above eqs. (A-D). Here it means that we should substitute $$\tag{E} \omega \to \omega-i\epsilon $$ everywhere in eq. (A-D). This implies that the $t=\pm \infty$ boundary terms in an $\int_{\mathbb{R}} \mathrm{d}t$ integration are exponentially suppressed. The piecewise exponentials in eqs. (C-D) are readily integrated wrt. $t$. The only non-zero contributions come from the kinks at $t=0$. We arrive at the formulas (2.17) of Ref. 1: $$\tag{2.17a} \int_{\mathbb{R}} \mathrm{d}t~\Delta^3_F(t)~=~ \frac{1}{12i\omega^4}, $$ and $$\tag{2.17b} \int_{\mathbb{R}} \mathrm{d}t~\dot{\Delta}^2_F(t)\Delta_F(t)~=~ \frac{i}{12\omega^2}. $$ References: 1. J.-L. Gervais and A. Jevicki, _Point Canonical Transformations in Path Integral,_ [Nucl. Phys. B110 (1976) 93]( The pdf file is [here](