The recent Nature article
prompts me to ask this question, which is of the same tenor as that asked at the recent Perimeter Institute meeting attended by Zeilinger et al., i.e. "Do the pairs somehow communicate though some still-unknown information channel?"

It seems to me that entanglement could be described as behaving as if in some sense the coordinate separation is described by an extra degree of freedom (dimension) in which either
a) the two entangled components are co-located in the extra dimension, allowing instantaneous communication; or
b) in the extra dimension, the speed of light is no longer a limitation, and so co-location is not a requirement.
... or some mixture of the two. This could all be rephrased in terms of the concepts of "brane" and "bulk", of course.

Are there many other such "unconventional" interpretations of the nature of entanglement out there?