I've been reading a paper about a Palatini formulation of $f(R, T)$ gravity theory, and when they vary the gravitational action with respect the connection $\widetilde{\Gamma}$, they obtain that \begin{align}
\widetilde{\nabla}_{\lambda}\left[ \sqrt{-g}\left( A^{\mu \nu}\delta_{\alpha}^{\lambda} - A^{\mu \lambda}\delta_{\alpha}^{\nu}\right)\right] = 0
with $A^{\mu \nu} = f'(R)g^{\mu \nu}$. 

Then they say: "This equation can be significantly simplified by taking into account that for $\alpha = \lambda$ the equation is identically zero. Hence for the case $\alpha \neq \lambda$, we find
\widetilde{\nabla}_{\lambda}\left[ \sqrt{-g}f'(R)g^{\mu \nu}\right] = 0

but I do not see where does the last equation come from. I mean, I can see why when $\alpha = \lambda$ the equation is identically zero, but I would expect for the case $\alpha \neq \lambda$ that the equation becomes
\widetilde{\nabla}_{\lambda}\left[ \sqrt{-g} A^{\mu \lambda}\delta_{\alpha}^{\nu}\right] = 0
since $\delta_{\alpha}^{\lambda} = 0$ for $\alpha \neq \lambda$. 

Does anyone know what's going on? Thanks in advance.
Here is the source: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.07419.pdf page 5.