I can't seem to find my mistake in this problem and I think it stems from not understanding how to correctly form constraints and the meaning behind the Lagrangian multiplier. So first of all I learned in class a nice problem and how to solve it using Holonomic Constraints. > Q. Consider a mass starting at the top of a quarter of a circle and sliding down, at what point $(x,y)$ will it detach? note: as a 2D problem we solved this by using the constraint as follows: a. Formulating the constraint - $$x^2 +y^2 - R^2 = 0 $$ b. Writing the equations of motion using the constrained Lagrangian - $$L' = \frac{1}{2}m(\dot x^2+\dot y^2) - mgy - \lambda(x^2 +y^2 - R^2)$$ c. Moving over to polar coordinates - $$x=Rcos(\theta)$$ $$y=Rsin(\theta)$$ d. Substituting this into the Lagrangian d.1.Using energy conservation we have $$(\dot\theta)^2= \frac{2g}{R}(1-sin(\theta))$$ d.2. When the mass detaches the constraint force vanishes so $$\lambda = 0$$ e. We plug all those things into our equation of motion and get $$sin(\theta) = 2/3$$ **My Questions are:** **1**.In my homework assignment I have the exact same problem but the curve is now defined : $$y(x) = 2 - cosh(x)$$ I worked in a similar manner: a. $$L' = \frac{1}{2}m(\dot x^2+\dot y^2) - mgy - \lambda(y+cosh(x)-2)$$ b1. $$\dot y = -sinh(x) \dot x$$ b2. $$\ddot y = -(\ddot x sinh(x) + \dot x^2 cosh(x))$$ c. Wrote E-L equations for x and y substituted b2 into y E-L equation, some algebra, and got to this equation : d.$$\lambda = \frac{m \dot x^2 cosh(x) - mg}{cosh^2(x)}$$ e. Used conservation of energy to get: $$\dot x^2 = \frac{2g(cosh(x)-1)}{cosh^2(x)}$$ Solving this I get that cosh(x) = 2 at the detachment point, basically meaning the mass never detaches and follows the whole curve to the bottom which is impossible. I think it's because I force lambda = 0 at the detachment point. I don't understand if it's wrong or not, judging by my lecture notes and the way I understand it, the mass will detach when the constraint force is zero meaning lambda = 0. **If lambda is indeed not equal to zero (at the detachment point) in this case, why is it and how should I find it's value ?** **2.What is the point of calculating the partial derivative :** $$\frac{\partial L'}{\partial \lambda}$$ if it always just returns the constraint that we wrote by looking at the system and it's properties