I know that already exist a question on https://physics.stackexchange.com/q/440267/; the conclusion of the answers were that 4-velocity and the metric are quite unrelated concepts, concerning calculations of 4-velocity components. Nevertheless, I would like to know if there's tricks and tips to calculate these components. For instance, it seems that the normalisation constrain: $$ u_{\mu}u^{\mu} = -1 \tag{1}$$ plays an desicive role on how calculate 4-velocity components in an arbitrary spacetime. Furthermore, even though the metric appears just as an tensor operation: $$ g_{\mu\nu}u^{\mu}u^{\nu} := u_{\mu}u^{\mu} = -1 \tag{2}$$ we have, still, a relationship between these two tensors. So, I would like to ask: **If someone give me a metric tensor and ask: "what are the components of 4-velocity?" how can I calculate the components?** $$ * * * $$ $[1]$ https://physics.stackexchange.com/q/440267/