If two cells are connected in parallel, say, 1 2 ________||_____||_______ | | 1->10V 2->5V <p>Just consider the double line as the positive electrode and the single line as the negative (sorry, I don't know how to put in pictures).</p> <p>I understand that charge from cell 1 have a potential of 10 V would increase it's potential by 5V on moving through the second cell (neglecting internal resistance).</p> <p>But since both are cells, doesn't the 5V cell have the capability to produce charge as well? The charge coming from that cell should only have a potential of 5V</p> <p>I know this theory is definitely wrong but I want to know why. I think it's because of the way the cells are connected but I'm sure. In any case, even if I'm right, please elaborate.</p>