\newcommand{\mb}[1]{\mathbf {#1}}
\newcommand{\mc}[1]{\mathcal {#1}}
\newcommand{\mr}[1]{\mathrm {#1}}
\newcommand{\zref}[1]{\text{equation }\eqref{#1}}

The  electric charge density scalar $\il{\rho\plr{\mb x,t}}$ and the electric current density vector $\il{\mb j\plr{\mb x,t}}$ appear in the following two of the Maxwell equations in vacuum 
\bl{\nabla\cdot}\mb E\plr{\mb x,t} & \e \dfrac{\rho\plr{\mb x,t}}{\epsilon_0}
\bl{\nabla\times}\mb B\plr{\mb x,t} & \e \mu_0\,\mb j\plr{\mb x,t} \p \dfrac{1}{c^2} \dfrac{\partial \mb E\plr{\mb x,t}}{\partial t}
where $\il{\mb x\e \plr{x_1,x_2,x_3}}$ the field point. 

Note the $\il{\rho,\mb j}$ are volume densities (there are surface densities and line densities also) connected by the relation

\mb j\plr{\mb x,t}\e \mb v\plr{\mb x,t}\rho\plr{\mb x,t}
where $\il{\mb v\plr{\mb x,t}}$ the velocity of electric charges contained in an infinitesimal volume at field point $\il{\mb x\e \plr{x_1,x_2,x_3}}$.

Now, consider that there exists only a single point particle with electric charge $\il{q}$ and position vector
\mb x'\plr{t}\e \blr{\,x'_1\plr{t},x'_2\plr{t},x'_3\plr{t}\Vp{A^2}}

A continuous real function $\il{\rho\plr{\mb x,t}}$ could represent the single point charge $\il{q}$ at $\il{\mb x'\e \plr{x'_1,x'_2,x'_3}}$ if it satisfies the following conditions (we omit the $\il{t\m}$dependence) 
\blr{\dfrac{\rho\plr{\mb x}}{q}} &\e 0 \qquad\texttt{for any}\qquad \mb x\bl\ne\mb x' \Vp{\dfrac{a}{\tfrac{a}{b}}}\\
\iiint\limits_{\mc B\plr{\mb x',\bl\varepsilon}}\blr{\dfrac{\rho\plr{\mb x}}{q}}\mr d^3\mb x &\e 1 \qquad\texttt{for any}\qquad \bl\varepsilon\gr 0 \Vp{\dfrac{\dfrac{a}{b}}{b}}\\
where $\il{\mc B\plr{\mb x',\bl\varepsilon}}$ a ball with center at $\il{\mb x'}$ and radius $\il{\bl\varepsilon}$. 

But these conditions define exactly the 3-dimensional $\il{\delta\m\!}$function, so 
\blr{\dfrac{\rho\plr{\mb x}}{q}}\e \delta\plr{\mb x\m\mb x'}\quad \bl\implies \quad\rho\plr{\mb x}\e q\,\delta\plr{\mb x\m\mb x'}
Restoring the $\il{t\m}$dependence we have 
\rho\plr{\mb x,t}\e q\,\delta\blr{\mb x\m\mb x'\plr{t}}\e q\,\delta\blr{x_1\m x'_1\plr{t}}\delta\blr{x_2\m x'_2\plr{t}}\delta\blr{x_3\m  x'_3\plr{t}}
The velocity field $\il{\mb v\plr{\mb x,t}}$ is everywhere $\il{\bl 0}$ except on the position of the point electric charge $\il{q}$
\mb v\plr{\mb x,t} \e 
\hp{aaaa}\bl 0 &\quad\texttt{if}\quad \mb x\bl\ne\mb x'\vp\\
\dfrac{\mr d\mb x'}{\mr dt}\e \mb v\plr{t}&\quad\texttt{if}\quad \mb x\e\mb x'
So for the electric current density vector $\il{\mb j\plr{\mb x,t}}$ $\zref{03}$ yields
\mb j\plr{\mb x,t}&\e q\,\mb v\plr{t}\delta\blr{\mb x\m\mb x'\plr{t}}\\
&\e q\,\plr{\dfrac{\mr dx_1'}{\mr dt},\dfrac{\mr dx_2'}{\mr dt},\dfrac{\mr dx_3'}{\mr dt}}\delta\blr{x_1\m  x'_1\plr{t}}\delta\blr{x_2\m x'_2\plr{t}}\delta\blr{x_3\m  x'_3\plr{t}}\\