When you step through the procedure of deriving a phonon dispersion relationship for a given crystal structure (i.e. small oscillations from equilibrium, harmonic approximation, collective coordinate transformation, normal mode orthogonal transformation), you can rewrite your original interacting Hamiltonian in second quantization language like so,
where $q$ and $\lambda$ are the crystal wave number and branch respectively. The above procedure diagonalizes the Hamiltonian, and the space of states that is acted upon by the Hamiltonian operator is spanned by simple harmonic oscillator wave functions with respect to the collective coordinates. i.e.
Q_q&=\sum_\alpha\hat{\eta} e^{-iq\cdot R_\alpha},
meaning we can think of our phonons as decoupled oscillations in our new collective coordinates.

I think my question is pretty simple, but I can't find an answer anywhere: **What is the mass of this oscillator?** 

My naïve guess would be that it has something to do with a derivative of the dispersion relationship similar to the effective mass of Bloch electrons, but I haven't seen a definitive answer.