I'm studying partial differential equations and I am struggling to understand the heat equation $u_t =ku_{xx}$. I understand the physical interpretation of $u_{t}$, but the meaning of $u_{x}$ eludes me.
This question arises from the following problem:
Consider the 1-D heat equation in a rod of length $L$ with diffusion constant $k$. Suppose the left endpoint is fixed at 100°, while the right endpoint is convecting (in obedience to Newton's Law of Cooling with proportionality constant $K=1$) with an outside medium which is 500°. The initial temperature distribution in the rod is given by $f(x)$.
While setting up the PDE, I interpreted the boundary condition at the right end as $u_{t}(L,t)=u(L,t)-500$ but the answer in the back of the text book has $u_{x}(L,t)=u(L,t)-500$. Why is that?