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Calculate force between rotating objects

For a physics engine I need to calculate the force that results from rotating objects colliding with each other.

I need to get the force that applies to a defined point ($x,y,z$ - coordinates) with a defined mass, if a rotating object with a defined mass, a defined momentum of inertia, a defined axis of torque and rotational speed collides with that point due to its rotation. I thought I could calculate this force similar to calculating the force that applies if to points collide with each other:

$F = dp / dt$;

$dp = (v_1 - v_2) \cdot mass$;

Analog for rotation:

$L$: angular of momentum, $M$: torque, $J$: moment of inertia, $\omega$: rotational speed

$M = dL / dt$;

$dL = (\omega_1 - \omega_2) \cdot J$;

However, i do not know if I can do it like this without breaking laws of physics and if it is possible I am not sure how to calculate $\omega_2$ (preservation of the angular momentum?).

All of these things need to be done in a 3d coordinate system.

If I misused some physical terms don't blame me, blame google translator.