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I have completely revamped the question. I have deleted all repeating clips and phrases. I have narrowed down the question into a central focal point. The essence of the question remains the same. It's only 3 paragraphs long so please take it off hold, it doesn't deserve it.

Why does Work Done Appear to be More than 100% Energy in a System?

Energy is equivalent to the work done on a motor. The work done on the motor is multiplied by more than 100% by recycling the energy the motor uses. Why then does the energy in the system appear to be more than one hundred percent?

For instance if a motor is powered from a capacitor with 1 joule of energy in it then the motor has done 1 joule's worth of work. Yet when the energy is recycled the motor can now do more work than what it originally could have if the energy was used only once.

If the work done in the motor is directly related to and proportional to the energy that was in the capacitor, then this would mean that the energy has now gone above 100% as well. Why?

More information and clarification can be found here.