I was thinking about energy scale, measured in eV and i've found this  [graph][1].
Now, roughly speaking, if we think energy as a mass, we can measure it in $eV$s. Then from the graph we have for example electron is lighter than proton, which is lighter than Higgs, and so on.

But, what if we think about it in terms of length? 
Electron is smaller than proton, and that's ok. So this means that Higgs should be bigger than proton. 

And so, why this [image][2] is putting atom (100 eV) before electron (0.5 Mev), for example? 

Thank you

  [1]: https://wiki.physik.uzh.ch/cms/_detail/latex:tikz:timeline_energy_scale_particle_physics.png?id=latex%3Atikz%3Atimescales
  [2]: https://scienceblogs.com/files/startswithabang/files/2012/09/I15-51-massscale.jpeg