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What happens if a machine controlled by me from Earth strikes the Earth?

SITUATION: Suppose I am a mad scientist and I have made a machine which has enough mass to push the earth. Now I am controlling the machine with a remote control with which I can change its speed, direction, acceleration, etc. I am on the earth and the machine is in outer space. Now I increase the speed of the machine to such extent that it collides with the earth and pushes it significantly to displace its center of mass.

Now the QUESTION is: The earth and I comprise the system. The machine is controlled by the remote ,or in other words, I have an imaginary hand which is pushing the machine in different directions in order to control it. So since I am interacting with the machine in this way, the machine also belongs to the system where I belong. Hence an internal force is displacing the center of mass of the system.

Isn't this like I am sitting on my chair and I am pushing it forward? Please clarify my mistake.

EDIT: For those who want to question the italicised portion of the question, I have the following logic:-
I have heard many lectures from professors of my university as well as from some from videos on Youtube where they try to explain the mechanism of FIELD in this way. According to one of them (I don't remember who)), "in the early years of electromagnetic field concept, people who were the Newtonians and the so-called "prehistoric physicists" rejected the electromagnetic field theory as they could not see the logic behind a charged particle exerting a force on another particle without touching it, just by the mere existence of an electromagnetic field.So they were made to believe this phenomena by pointing out to them that one charged particle is exerting a force on another particle by pushing it with an invisible/imaginary hand. So this force could be deemed a contact force and I have used this logic only."