[This question](https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/547195/derivation-of-pcac-condition-langle-0j5-mu-ax-pi-bp-rangle-if-pi) reminds you that $$\langle 0|J^5_{\mu,0}(x)|\pi^0(p)\rangle=-if_{\pi} e^{-ipx}p_{\mu}~,$$ the mother of PCAC. That is to say, you *already know* this axial current corresponds to a SSB generator, and so ***is linear in the Goldstone boson corresponding to it***, $$ J^5_{\mu,0}\propto f_\pi \partial_\mu \pi^0 + ... $$ where the ellipsis represents terms of higher order in the fields. The current is basically the goldston: The corresponding charge pumps such goldstons into and out of the chirally non-invariant vacuum! As a consequence, the corresponding term of the effective Lagrangian which gives you the above current divergence is $$ \frac{e^2 N_c \pi^0}{48 \pi^2 f_\pi} F_{\mu\nu}\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu}. $$ It therefore induces neutral pion decay to two photons, quite observable and physical, really. [![enter image description here][1]][1] This term was an early reassurance of the genius of the WZWN term of flavor-chiral anomalous effective actions. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/LvMEV.png