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Heat transfer and Stefan-Boltzmann law and black body radiation [closed]

can there exist a black body (theoretically) which has a cavity in it I don't mean Fery's black body I am referring to a black body which is made of a MATERIAL which has the property to emit and ...
siksha's user avatar
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Confused about finding earths temperature through the sun's heat output value [closed]

I encountered this problem in my textbooK: "The Sun has the radius of 700,000km and a surface temperature of 5800K. The Earth is 150,000,000km far from the Sun and it has the radius of 6400km. In ...
A.boj's user avatar
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Irradiance on a surface

I would like to calculate the irradiance incident upon a cca. 2x2 cm surface from 2 different radiating sources. a 30x32 cm plane surface at 30.5 °C, at a distance of 70 cm, a 5x10 cm plane surface, ...
anna's user avatar
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Deriving Wien's displacement law (Zettili)

According to Zettili, we can derive Wien's displacement law from Planck's energy density $$ \tilde{u}(\lambda, T) = \frac{8\pi hc}{\lambda^{5}}\frac{1}{e^{hc/kT\lambda}-1} $$ where $\lambda$ is the ...
user146639's user avatar