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2 votes
1 answer

Why does the LED light colour spectrum spike in the blue and green wavelengths but CFL lights have lots of smaller spikes across a few wavelengths?

What is the theory behind this? Incandescents produce smooth curves as they are similar to black bodies, but for these non-blackbody bulbs, what creates their unique spectral curves?
paradox124's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What does the spikes and curves in the spectral graph for compact fluorescent lights represent?

I have read from sources that the curves are generated by the phosphors in the bulb, and the spikes are caused by the mercury vapor. However, if the mercury vapor's release of uv particles combine ...
paradox124's user avatar
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1 answer

Missing link re: how does kelvin relate to temperature when talking about color temperature?

I am an electrician at a commercial electrical company. There is an in-house training program that posits the datum that when talking about the designations of color temperature for lights (for ...
ElectricianPat's user avatar
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3 answers

How could I measure the colour spectrum of a light bulb and investigate how closely it matches a black body radiation curve?

Here is my research question: What is the colour/spectrum produced by each globe type? What is the temperature equivalence? How closely does a globe match a black body radiation curve? I will be ...
paradox124's user avatar