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Questions tagged [scales]

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16 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is renormalization associated with a volume scale or with an energy-momentum and length scale?

Given that real-space renormalization blocks together small volume elements to construct larger volume elements, is it more appropriate/helpful to consider the renormalization scale to be a volume ...
Peter Morgan's user avatar
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Formula to get scales of the two components (radial and perpendicular) of Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO)

In an astrophysics context about BAO (Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation), it is written on the following paper BAO paper : "BAO are much smaller in amplitude than the CMB acoustic peaks, and are ...
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sensitive scale & resistance of analog current meter

Does the resistance of an analog current meter increase or decrease when it is set to a more sensitive scale (lower range)?
unknown's user avatar
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Does the minimum connection time of ocean surface currents depend on the patch scale?

The Nature paper "The timescales of global surface-ocean connectivity" attempts to model "minimum connectivity times (Min-T), or distances based on the fastest times that particles can ...
tparker's user avatar
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Scale dependent dimensionality

Many theories of quantum gravity features the so called "dimensional reduction" (e.g. Asymptotic Safety, Causal Dynamical Triangulations, Euclidean Dynamical Triangulations, Loop Quantum ...
Kregnach's user avatar
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Characteristic time scale in floquet system?

In Floquet formalism, we have quasi-energy spectrum instead of energy spectrum. However, if we have a driving force with a low frequency, we shall be able to use adiabatic approximation and regard the ...
Taveren Sa's user avatar
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Present value of the cosmological scale factor, important or arbitrary?

I'm now confused about a subject that I thought was very clear to me, until recently. So I need to sort this clearly once and for all. Consider the standard FLRW cosmology in classical general ...
Cham's user avatar
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Continuum assumption: validity & motivation

I still can't grasp why the so-called continuum assumption can be taken as reasonable under the proper conditions. Let's consider the space-time microscopic distribution of a generic tensor field. If ...
Federico Toso's user avatar
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How scale invariance is broken in nature?

By definition a system will exhibit scale invariance at low energies if it has an IR fixed point. I am having some doubts on how to interpret this fact in terms of quantum field theory and to ...
AoZora's user avatar
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Possible intermediate scales of baryogenesis?

The conventional beyond Standard Model explanation of baryogenesis is that, within Grand Unified Theories (GUT), there exist some new heavy scalar bosons of mass $M_{\rm GUT}\sim10^{15}$ GeV, which ...
Thomas's user avatar
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What is the difference between scale invariance and scale free?

A question several years ago asked, "What is the difference between scale invariance and self-similarity. It appears that a new term has become popular in recent years, which is "scale ...
Chris 's user avatar
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Weight on a scale

imagine that you're at the baggage weigh in point at an airport. your luggage is on the scale and you try to cheat the price by pivoting your heel on the ground and toe beneath one end of the suitcase ...
Ryan-O's user avatar
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What is the distrubition of the forces on the hand-scale

In the picture above, I am applying 32 33 Newtons of force if I am not wrong. But, what is the forces on my both hands? Do they share it equally? Thanks.
muyustan's user avatar
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is there any experimental method for measurement of thickness at atomic scale?

is there any experimental method for measurement of thickness at atomic scale? there are some methods for measurement of thickness even at nano scales such as AFM,TEM but my question is about atomic ...
hoda's user avatar
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Cosmological densities when universe was/will be a different size

Supposing a spatially flat, matter-dominated universe, the expression for the Hubble parameter is: $$ H^{2}=H_{0}^{2}\left(\frac{\Omega_{m}}{a^{3}}+\Omega_{\Lambda}\right) $$ The previous equation ...
Kandrax's user avatar
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Balanced forces in scales

We have scales-like mechanism with a spring. Rigidity of the spring $C=10\ \mathrm{kg/cm}$, initial length $L_0=60\ \mathrm{mm}$ and diameter $d=\ \mathrm{10mm}$. Without any weight the scales are in ...
lexicore's user avatar
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