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4 votes
2 answers

Why do we have a TeV scale?

When model building we don't want to introduce any new scales into our theory. We usually try to have new particles at the Higgs (TeV) scale (to solve the hierarchy problem), at the GUT scale, or at ...
JeffDror's user avatar
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What is the hierarchy problem?

BACKGROUND So far I understood that the hierarchy problem was the large difference between the gravitational scale, $M_{pl}\sim 10^{18}\; [GeV]$, compared with the electroweak scale, $M_{ew}\sim 10^3\...
Dox's user avatar
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Relationship between hierarchy problem and higgs fine tuning?

I often hear of hierarchy problem being used synonymous with Higgs fine tuning (esp with regards with motivations for SUSY). What exactly is the relationship between the two problems? As I understand ...
user788171's user avatar
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If the electron is point like, then what is the significance of the classical radius of the electron?

What is the physical meaning/significance of the classical radius of the electron if we know from experiments that the electron is point like? Is there similarly a classical radius of the photon? The ...
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