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If the electron is point like, then what is the significance of the classical radius of the electron?

What is the physical meaning/significance of the classical radius of the electron if we know from experiments that the electron is point like? Is there similarly a classical radius of the photon? The ...
Revo's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the hierarchy problem?

BACKGROUND So far I understood that the hierarchy problem was the large difference between the gravitational scale, $M_{pl}\sim 10^{18}\; [GeV]$, compared with the electroweak scale, $M_{ew}\sim 10^3\...
Dox's user avatar
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Relationship between hierarchy problem and higgs fine tuning?

I often hear of hierarchy problem being used synonymous with Higgs fine tuning (esp with regards with motivations for SUSY). What exactly is the relationship between the two problems? As I understand ...
user788171's user avatar