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Planck's catastrophe?

In deriving Planck's blackbody formula, the number density of normal modes (per unit frequency$^\dagger$) is found, given by $$ N(\omega)=\frac{V}{\pi^2c^3}\omega^2, $$ where $V$ is the volume of the ...
Atom's user avatar
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What's the relationship between the energy density of a black-body and its radiant exitance?

Through a bit calculation we can derive that in a cavity, the energy density $$u(f,T)=\overline{E(f)}\times G(f)=\frac{8\pi h}{c^3}\frac{f^3}{e^{h\nu /kT}-1}$$ If we take the integral over all ...
arax's user avatar
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Is the quantum harmonic oscillator energy $E = n\hbar\omega$ or $E = (n + 1/2)\hbar\omega$? (Feynman Lectures)

Please, read the whole question. I've discussed a few contradictions and so far have not found an explanation for them. I was reading The Feynman Lectures on Physics (vol. 1), the part where he talks ...
João Vítor G. Lima's user avatar
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Why using a sum instead of an integral solves the Ultraviolet catastrophe?

Im reading about how using a sum instead of an integral when deriving the Rayleigh-Jeans law (in the equipartion part) solves the ultraviolet catastrophe. basically doing the following replacement: $$\...
DAcheese's user avatar
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Why is the black body radiation independent of composition and incident radiation?

There have been questions similar to this, but most of them do not explain the mechanism responsible for the phenomena but instead explain through contradiction of second law of thermodynamics, for ...
veke's user avatar
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Black body radiation at atomic level [duplicate]

I need help in black body radiation. I know quantitative equations of black body radiation. what I need to know is what is happening inside a black body at atomic level. What I mean is, if light ...
jac effron's user avatar