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Lagrangian of a system of relativistic charged particles

I was studying Landau's Classical Field Theory: Volume 2 and came across the Lagrangian for a system of charged particles, up to first-order post-Newtonian corrections ($65), which can be expressed as:...
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How to do taylor expansion of metric tensor to get Lagrangian for first Post-Newtonian order? [closed]

For the two-body compact object system how to write Lagrangian after obtaining first post-Newtonian metric tensor(just gravitational field)? Considering the perturbation in the metric as $$gαβ=ηαβ+hαβ,...
Pushpraj chakravarti's user avatar
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Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann (EIH) Lagrangian for a Test-Particle as Limit of Schwarzschild-Geodesic

Consider a test particle of mass $m$ which is in orbit around a spherical-symmetric body with mass $M$. It therefore has a position as described by the coordinates $r,\phi$, and its motion can be ...
Aaron Wild's user avatar