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Hyperbolic orbit to keplerian orbit

How do I model a two body system that is initially travelling on an unbound orbit (hyperbolic so negative semi major axis) but then becomes a bound orbit (eccentric elliptic, so positive semi major ...
Warrenmovic 's user avatar
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How to obtain components of the metric tensor?

In coordinates given by $x^\mu = (ct,x,y,z)$ the line element is given $$ (ds)^2 = g_{00} (cdt)^2 + 2g_{0i}(cdt\;dx^i) + g_{ij}dx^idx^j, $$ where the $g_{\mu\nu}$ are the components of the metric ...
Rumplestillskin's user avatar
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Post-Minkowskian expansion of some quantities in Post-Newtonian theory

I'm studying Post-Newtonian theory on the book "Gravity" by Poisson and Will and I found a few formulas that I can't obtain by myself. I'm pretty sure it must be quite simple, but can't find the right ...
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