Questions tagged [operators]

In physics, an operator is almost always either a square matrix or a linear mapping between two function spaces (defined on, say, $\mathbb R^n$). Operators serve as observables and as time evolution operators in Quantum Mechanics. This tag will most often find valid use in quantum mechanics; don't use this tag just because your equations contain "everyday operations" like $\times$, $+$!

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Simple question about the identity operator in quantum mechanics

This might be a very trivial question, but I'll ask it anyway: consider a self-adjoint operator $B$, such that for each mode $a_1,...,a_n$ of a quantum bosonic system we have $B a_i B^\dagger = a_i$. ...
Noobgrammer's user avatar
-6 votes
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Mathematical tools in quantum mechanics [closed]

Prove that unitary transformation transforms one complete set of basis vectors into another.
Raju Raj's user avatar
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Functional analysis question about operator on quantum wave functions

If I have two time-independent wave functions $\psi_{t_{1}}$ and $\psi_{t_{2}}$ and define an operator $\hat{U}$ such that $$\psi_{t_{2}} = \hat{U}_{t_{1},t_{2}}(\psi_{t_{1}})$$ and $$\psi_{t_{2}}(x) =...
Adam Kabbeke's user avatar
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Where does the complex conjugate term generally come from in a Hamiltonian?

I find myself stumbling across Hamiltonians which go like $$ \hat{H}\sim\alpha\hat{a}+\alpha^*\hat{a}^\dagger $$ How does this form of Hamiltonian actually come about? To my knowledge, the Hamiltonian ...
Len's user avatar
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Determining Bound States from Møller Operator

Hello I came across an interesting property of the Møller operator, which I summarize below: The Møller operator $\Omega^{(+)}$ maps in-states that belong to the continuum spectrum of the free ...
StackUser's user avatar
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Why does the Pauli objection not disqualify the existence of the position operator?

According to the Pauli objection (see for example here or the answer to this question) there can be no time operator $\hat{T}$ canonically conjugate to the Hamiltonian $\hat{H}$ of a physical system ...
Martin Vaughan's user avatar
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Equivalent definitions of Wick ordering

Let $\phi$ denote a field consisting of creation and annihilation operators. In physics, the Wick ordering of $\phi$, denoted $:\phi:$, is defined so that all creation are to the left of all ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Expectation Value of Momentum Question [closed]

I recently started learning QM and am currently learning about how to use operators to find expectation values. I recently received a question concerning this and have been struggling to solve it. I ...
BlazingLight's user avatar
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How to prove if ${\hat A}^{\dagger}{\hat A}\le {\hat 1}$ then ${\hat A}{\hat A}^{\dagger}\le {\hat 1}$ for any square matrix ${\hat A}$? [migrated]

My note says that for any square matrix ${\hat A}$, if ${\hat A}^{\dagger}{\hat A}\le {\hat 1}$, then ${\hat A}{\hat A}^{\dagger}\le {\hat 1}$, but I don't know how to prove this. Can anyone help me ...
Ketty's user avatar
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Is there any difference between Wick time order and Dyson time order?

Reading A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem by R. Mattuck, I am getting the feeling that I missed something subtle related to time order. When deriving the Dyson series for the ...
Mauricio's user avatar
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What are single-, double- and multi-trace operators in AdS/CFT?

Can someone explain what are single-, double- and multi-trace operators are in AdS/CFT? I am a senior undergrad and only recently started studying AdS/CFT from TASI lectures and could not make much ...
QFTheorist's user avatar
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Picture Number in String Vertex Operator

How can I know what is the Picture of a particular vertex operator? For example in 8.3.15 in Polchinski's book Vol.1, the Vertex Operators for the Enhanced Gauge symmetry are given by \begin{equation}...
Roddy 's user avatar
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Pauli matrix exponentials [closed]

Just a short query to confirm my understanding. Given the Pauli-X operator $\hat{X}$ and it's eigenstates $|+\rangle:=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle + |1\rangle)$ and $|-\rangle:=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\...
John Doe's user avatar
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Is this a valid way to write Schwinger's Action Principle? [closed]

δS = ±iħδ I added the + sign for situations where the Action has maxima or the mass is negative. I am specifically wondering if this form without the brakets is valid so that a Calculus of Variations ...
Luke Durback's user avatar
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Integration by parts to switch sign on anti-Hermitian Louivillian

I am self studying non-equilibrium stat mech and a common theme is that I am unable to reproduce the "this follow from integration by parts" parts of derivations. Here is the most recent: In ...
spleen's user avatar
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Is there a problem with the commuting axiom in QFT? [closed]

All existing quantum field theories include the axiom that fields that are space like separated commute with each other. This also means that a field at one point commutes with the future light cone ...
Haty Irirn's user avatar
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Choice of spacetime foliation while quantising a conformal field theory

I was reading Rychkov's EPFL lectures on $D\geq 3$ CFT (along with these set of TASI lectures) and in chapter 3, he starts discussing radial quantisation and OPE (operator product expansion). I ...
QFTheorist's user avatar
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Exercise on self-adjointness of Hamiltonian [closed]

I am struggling with some exercise I have to solve for my quantum mechanics class. PROBLEM: Suppose $|\psi\rangle, |\phi\rangle$ are normalised and linearly independent (but not necessarily ...
Octavius's user avatar
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How do we know at the operator-level that the tadpole $\langle\Omega|\phi(x)|\Omega\rangle=0$ vanishes in scalar $\phi^4$ theory?

I'm a mathematician slowly trying to teach myself quantum field theory. To test my understanding, I'm trying to tell myself the whole story from a Lagrangian to scattering amplitudes for scalar $\phi^...
Nicolas Ford's user avatar
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Extracting the dimension of an operator from algebra

I may misinterpret the question. In the lecture note of conformal field theory, arXiv:2207.09474, it says the following where for $P^\mu=i\partial_\mu$ and $D=ix^\mu \partial_\mu$. I am confused ...
Tanmoy Pati's user avatar
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Dictionary between interpretations of field operators

For now, let $\hat{\phi}(x)$ be a quantization of a classical, real scalar field $\phi(x)$. My understanding is that, for fixed $x$, there are three ways to regard the operator $\hat{\phi}(x)$: The ...
JustLikeNumberTheory's user avatar
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Total momentum operator of the Klein-Gordon field (before limit to the continuum)

I'm following K. Huang's QFT: From Operators to Path Integrals book. In the second chapter, he introduces the Klein-Gordon equation (KGE), and its scalar field $\phi(x)$, which satisfies this equation....
SweetTomato's user avatar
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Ladder operators and creation & annihilation operators - different between $a$, $b$ and $c$ [closed]

Usually, the ladder operator denoted by $a$ and $a^\dagger$. In some case, people talk about the creation operator and denote it by $c$ and $c^\dagger$. Recently I see another notation, $b$ and $b^\...
Yohay Halfon's user avatar
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Displacement operator and phase space

I read a paper on open quantum system, it's about non-Markovian process with memory effects. They describe a generic model of two qubits interacting with correlated multimode field. They describe the ...
Yohay Halfon's user avatar
4 votes
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Where does the "arbitrary constant" in the $L_{0}$ Virasoro operator come from?

In the 2007 "String Theory and M-Theory" textbook by Becker, Becker, Schwartz there is the following claim about the canonical first quantization of a bosonic string: the quantization of the ...
Daigaku no Baku's user avatar
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How to find the expectation value of momentum operator? [closed]

I have struggled with the following steps in finding the expectation value of the momentum operator $\hat{p}$. $$\left \langle \hat{p} \right \rangle=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\psi^{*}(x)\hat{p}\psi{x}dx=...
SaaN's user avatar
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Generator of two-qubit quantum gate

I would like to know how to derive the explicit form of the GENERATOR of a general two-qubit gate (also here), e.g., controlled-rotation Y. From the definition: $$\exp(-i\theta G) \ ,$$ I see it is: $$...
yvubinotctyui's user avatar
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Wigner's formula for the kinetic energy density in QM

In the Schroedinger equation the kinetic energy is represented by the operator $T = -\frac {\hbar^2} {2m} \Delta$ which acts on a wavefunction $\Psi$. If we multiply this by the complex conjugate of ...
M. Wind's user avatar
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Why do QM books point out that $S^2$ commutes with $S_x$, $S_y$, and $S_z$?

The spin angular momentum magnitude squared operator: $$S^2=S_x^2+S_y^2+S_z^2=\frac{3\hbar^2}{4} \begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{pmatrix}$$ Obviously $S^2$ commutes with everything, so why do QM ...
hbar's user avatar
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What can we say about the eigendecomposition of quantum channels?

It is known that quantum channels, being CPTP maps, map density operators to density operators. And thus, they can be seen as superoperators. Similar to operators, where eigenstates and eigenvalues ...
ironmanaudi's user avatar
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Spin 1 operator and photon

$\newcommand{\ket}[1]{| #1 \rangle}$ The general spin formulation is the same as the cinetic momentum : \begin{equation} [S_{x},S_{y}]=i\hbar S_{z},\quad [S_{y},S_{z}]=i\hbar S_{x},\quad [S_{z}, S_{x}]...
deb2014's user avatar
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Generator of time shift when the Hamiltonian is time dependent

Let's consider the unitary group $\hat{S_{\tau}^†}$ such that :$$\hat{S^†_{\tau}}|\psi(t)\rangle=|\psi(t-\tau)\rangle$$ Since we know that: $$\hat{U}(t,t_0)|\psi(t_0)\rangle=|\psi(t)\rangle$$ Where ${...
davise's user avatar
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Introduction of symmetries in quantum mechanics

The (Italian) book that I am currently reading introduces the topic of symmetries in quantum mechanics in the following way: Let O and O' be two distinct observers and let $A$ and $B$ be two ...
davise's user avatar
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Confused about square of time-reversal operator $T$

I am reading An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Peskin & Schroeder, and I am confused about what is the square $T^2$ of time reversal operator $T$. My guess is that for $P^2$, $C^2$ and $T^...
Andrea's user avatar
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Understanding the basics of second quantization [duplicate]

I am new to quantum field theory and I am trying to understand how to work with quantum field operators and the notations that are used here. Context: Assume a hamiltonian with operator: $\hat{W} = t\...
jimmi johnsen's user avatar
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What does the identity operator mean in Quantum Mechanics? [duplicate]

I'm new to quantum mechanics, and I am beginning to study Dirac notation, but I do not understand the significance or meaning of the following equation: $$\sum_n\left|e_n\right\rangle\left\langle e_n\...
cookiecainsy's user avatar
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Azimuthal coordinate operator: Hermition or not? Self-adjoint or not?

I am told that the azimuthal coordinate operator $\hat{\phi}$ is not self-adjoint. I am told this by people who I am sure know much more about this stuff than I do. To my unsophisticated mind, "...
bob.sacamento's user avatar
-1 votes
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Maximum value of angular momentum component in quantum mechanics [closed]

Since $[L^2, L_z]=0$, we can say that they share a common eigenbasis, call it $f$, and $L^2f=\lambda f$, $L_z f=\mu f$ The ladder operators for the $z$ component of angular momentum are $$L_\pm=L_x\pm ...
GedankenExperimentalist's user avatar
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Photon and qubit representation

The photon spin-1 has two states, $\pm\hbar$, just like the spin qubit ($\pm\frac{\hbar}{2}$). From a quantum information point of view, they can encode the same amount of data. However, I am confused ...
deb2014's user avatar
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Property of the Hamiltonian's discrete spectrum

I have found a statement online saying that there must be an eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian inside the range $(E-\Delta H,E+\Delta H)$. Where the mean value and variance are defined for a random (...
user20046481's user avatar
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An exercise to find the expectation of quantum states [closed]

Given $\vert\psi(0)\rangle=\vert 0 \rangle$, $ H =\hbar\omega(\vert 0\rangle \langle 1 \vert+\vert 1\rangle \langle 0 \vert) $, $p=\vert 0\rangle \langle 0\vert$, ask for $\langle \psi(t)\vert p \vert ...
ajowa's user avatar
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Some questions about derivation of uncertainty principle

In Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Griffiths and Schroeter, they derive the Uncertainty principle in the following way: First, they define $$f=\left(\hat A-\langle A\rangle\right)|\Psi\rangle$$ $$...
GedankenExperimentalist's user avatar
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What does the Jacobi identity *mean* statistically?

Given that the commutator of a pair of operators shows up explicitly in the lower bound of the Robertson-Schrodinger inequality, I am wondering what, if any, statistical meaning/significance one can ...
hyportnex's user avatar
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Conmutators and Jacobi's Identity

I've come across an exercise asking me to calculate: $$[[A,B],[C,D]]$$ knowing $[A,C]=[B,D]=0$ and $[A,D]=[B,C]=1$ I've already solved it by "brute force", separating the commutator as ...
AlanFox86's user avatar
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Time Evolution of Eigenkets in the Heisenberg picture

I'm reading Modern Quantum Mechanics by Jun John Sakurai and in section 2.2 he talks about Base Kets and Transition Amplitudes. He goes to show, that $|a',t\rangle=\mathcal{U}^\dagger|a'\rangle$, (...
Florpsiturtle's user avatar
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Where is my mistake in using a measurement operator instead of Born’s rule to calculate the probability of detecting photons at an arbitrary angle?

As I asked in this question: From here I know ...
Alex1111's user avatar
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Momentum probability density and its normalization

Let the (normalized) wave function $\Psi(x,y)$ represent a free particle in the XY plane. I know $|\Psi|^2$ gives me the probability density function of the particle's position, which I can then ...
AlanFox86's user avatar
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On properties of open quantum dynamics and Lindbladians

It is well known that the open quantum dynamics is governed by the Lindblad master equation $$\partial_t{\rho}=\mathbb{L}(\rho)=-\frac{i}{\hbar}[H, \rho]+\sum_i \gamma_i\left(L_i \rho L_i^{\dagger}-\...
ironmanaudi's user avatar
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Measure of connectivity in Graph States

Given $G = (V,E)$, with the set of vertices $V$ and the set of edges $E$, the corresponding graph state is defined as $$|G\rangle = \prod_{(a,b)\in E} U^{\{a,b\}} |+\rangle ^{\otimes V}$$ where the ...
Young Kindaichi's user avatar
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Derivation of the quantization of the EM field in a dielectrics

I'm currently studying the quantization of the EM field in a dielectric medium and trying to understand the quantization scheme of Huttner and Barnett (1992, see Phys. Rev. A 46, 4306). The system ...
Plax Manck's user avatar

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