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Bound states between neutrinos using Schrödinger's equation?

I would like to see if it's possible that neutrinos (with sufficiently slow velocities) could form bound states in a universe with matter (such as ours) There is a cosmic neutrino background in the ...
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Neutrinos passing through black hole

I have read this: The weak force has a very short range, gravity is extremely weak on the subatomic scale, and neutrinos, as leptons, do not participate in ...
Árpád Szendrei's user avatar
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Could neutrino oscillations be due to exchange of gamma rays?

I was wondering since the relativistic mass-energy of a gamma ray photon is 1.24 MeV/c^2 and the mass of an electron neutrino is < 2.2 eV/c^2 whether the oscillations between the two could, in the ...
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