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Generators and Lorentz transformations (LT)

I have been trying to understand how $SO^+(1,3)$ generators are related to LT elements. I am confused as I don't know how many types of generators are considered. If we consider the following ...
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Could someone explain this leap in the Feynman lectures that 'derives' the fourth Lorentz transformation equation

So suppose that two coordinate systems are in uniform relative motion. Then the Lorentz transformation is: $$x' =\frac{x-ut}{\sqrt{1-u^2/c^2}}$$ $$y' = y$$ $$z' = z$$ $$t' = \frac{t- ux/c^2}{\sqrt{1-u^...
MonsterRamen's user avatar
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Understand the Lorentz transformation in QFT

I am a beginner in QFT,so let me introduce my question by the problem in MIT8.323 (2023 spring,by Hong Liu) pset 1 . All steps seem clear, the measure is invariant because the Jacobian is 1 and the ...
MakiseKurisu's user avatar
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Does the Lorentz Transformation preserve the physical integrity of objects?

As is well known, the Lorentz transformation does not only result in a length contraction of objects, but also in different parts of it transformed to different times according to $$t'=\gamma (t-\frac{...
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