Questions tagged [laboratory-safety]

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12 votes
3 answers

Does neutron radiation form clouds?

I've heard a couple of scary stories from experienced accellerator physiscists about something called neutron clouds. Apparently, if you have an experiment like a fixed-target experiment that produces ...
jdm's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Are dangerous rays emitted during Solar Eclipse?

It is said one should avoid staring at Sun as it can damage the eyes, but it is also said that one should not come out in sun during eclipse as it emits dangerous rays. Is that true? If yes, why?
SMUsamaShah's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

A safe way to heat batteries

I'm working on a physics experiment where I have to investigate the effect of temperature on a battery's internal resistance. I know how to measure the internal resistance, but the problem is in ...
idk's user avatar
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52 votes
3 answers

Why aren't 100% UV blocked sunglasses safe to view an eclipse with?

I am not planning on staring into the sun during an eclipse or any other time. I have been reading about how no variety of regular sunglasses are safe enough to view the eclipse with. I'm not talking ...
Jeff's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Dangers of using liquid nitrogen [closed]

So, I remember in college physics the prof using liquid nitrogen in a demonstration. When he was done, he threw the container of LN at the front row, and of course it evaporated (or whatever) before ...
hvgotcodes's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Does a laser beam have to hit the eyes in order to damage them?

Does a laser beam have to hit the eyes in order to damage them? Or can a persons eyes get damaged by looking at a beam that goes past their eyes (e.g. looking at a laser beam moving inside an ...
x457812's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How dangerous is a parallel plate capacitor which is used in physics demo experiments?

How dangerous may it be when experimenting with a parallel plate capacitor typically used in physics demonstration experiments? Take for example this one (that's what I use):
Julia's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is sub critical plutonium "safe" to handle?

Apparently, in Los Alamos scientists handled sub critical masses of plutonium (for example the demon core) with little or no protection. Richard Feynman and others mentioned that plutonium spheres ...
ailnlv's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Why can I look at the sun with my sunglasses but not at the solar eclipse?

Is the problem with seeing an eclipse that you have a sudden change between penumbra and regular sun? If that's the case, why can I look to the sun with my sunglasses on but I can't do it in an ...
Moltimor 's user avatar