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Spectral Radiation Intensity and Energy Density

I'm trying to prove the following relation $$ I_{v} = \frac{c}{n} u_{v} $$ where $I_{v}$ is the (spectral) radiation intensity and $u_{v}$ is the respective energy density, $n$ is the refractive index ...
poko10's user avatar
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Reflection coefficient derivation

from fresnel equations we have $$r_{parallel}=\frac{n_1\cos\theta_i-n_2\cos\theta_r}{n_1\cos\theta_i+n_2\cos\theta_r}$$ $$r_{perpendicular}=\frac{n_2\cos\theta_i-n_1\cos\theta_r}{n_1\cos\theta_i+n_2\...
user3600124's user avatar
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3 answers

How is energy conserved during simultaneous refraction and reflection of light?

My question is regarding the partial reflection and refraction of light when incident on a refracting surface. Here, the energy of Incident Ray is E=hv of Reflected Ray is E=hv and that of Refracted ...
Vexing's user avatar
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A Question About Brewster's Law

In most textbooks I read, they state that when the angle of reflection + angle of refraction = 90, there is maximum polarization. What I don't understand is what maximum polarization means. Does it ...
Ethan Chan's user avatar
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A Physics Problem Involving Refraction [closed]

I'm not sure how to solve this problem. I've considered using Malus' law, but then I don't know what theta is, preventing me from solving this problem.
Mathguy's user avatar
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Maximum light intensity?

From what I had learned and observed, every image (light per certain area,let it be cm^2 here) can be projected onto a small or large area without any natural obstruction from intensity. So, if light ...
Vishwa Mithra Tatta's user avatar