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Physics of pushing the top of a box a little bit to make it rock back and forth

Context: I'm trying to make a simulation of a box that you can apply force to the top and it will oscillate back and forth until the energy in the system reaches equilibrium again. Visual ...
Jimmyt1988's user avatar
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What is the minimal G-force curve in 2-dimensional space?

Given two parallel roads, which need to be connected, what shape of curve would produce the minimum overall horizontal G-force(s) on travelers? Is it a $sin$ or $cos$ wave? Is it a basic cubic ...
Giffyguy's user avatar
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Does trade affect Earth's rotation? [duplicate]

Every country is trading with other countries around the world, some more than others. I was wondering if there would be any change to the Earth's rotation because of the imbalance of trade between ...
David's user avatar
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