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3 answers

What is the theoretical limit for image sensors

Telescopes are principaly limited by a diffraction-limit. Does this limit affect the image sensor? The Rubin Observatory LSST Camera, the biggest camera in the world with 3.2 gigapixels is having a ...
Ilya Gazman's user avatar
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Is there any advantage in stacking multiple images vs a single long exposure?

Suppose I have a source object that is not time varying, to be concrete let's say it's a galaxy. Is there anything additional that can be learned or done with multiple short exposure images of exactly ...
Kyle Oman's user avatar
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Calculating the Diameter of Jupiter through Image [closed]

I was trying to calculate the diameter of Jupiter from a picture I took of it. Here's the information I was able to get that I needed to calculate the diameter: Focal Length of Telescope: 1.2 m ...
StopReadingThisUsername's user avatar
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Can a point source be located more accurately out-of-focus or in-focus?

Let's say I am taking a picture, and I know a priori that the image is of a single ideal point source of light at infinity. With a perfect imaging system in focus, the image shows an Airy disk. I ...
Steve Byrnes's user avatar
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Maximum-Entropy Method deconvolution implementation?

I am looking for an implementation of the Maximum Entropy Method for image deconvolution, ideally in MATLAB or Mathematica. I'm trying to reconstruct an image from fringe visibilities, as is often ...
user29724's user avatar