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Questions tagged [galilean-relativity]

This tag is for questions related to the Newtonian Era idea that space and time are the same for everyone while speed adds up in the straightforward direction (if you are going 50 mph and throw something 20 mph it is going 70 mph) DO NOT use this tag for questions related solely to General Relativity.

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7 votes
2 answers

Why absoluteness of time implies galilean transformations?

In Landau course, vol.1 Mechanics, one finds the statement: ...the absoluteness of time necessarily implies that the ordinary law of composition of velocities is applicable to all phenomena. I ...
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Under what conditions do the Galilean transformations become more accurate?

For $S$ and $S'$ in standard configuration, the Galilean transformations are : $x' = x - vt$ $y' = y$ $z' = z$ $t' = t$ From the Lorentz transformations for $v << c$ : $x' = x - vt$ $y' = y$ $z' ...
John McAndrew's user avatar
37 votes
8 answers

What determines which frames are inertial frames?

I understand that you can (in principle) measure whether "free particles" (no forces) experience accelerations in order to tell whether a frame is inertial. But fundamentally, what determines which ...
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