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Questions tagged [fracture]

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Difference between tensile strength and work of fracture

Can someone please explain the difference between tensile strength and work of fracture of a material? What is the need to know the work of fracture if we already knew the tensile strength of the ...
Fahim's user avatar
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What happens when slip direction is the same as applied force?

Using the equation $$ \tau R = \sigma y \cos \left( \phi \right) \cos \left( λ \right) \tag{1} $$ means that when the angle $\phi$ between the tensile axis and slip plane normal is $90$, $\cos \left( ...
Thyla's user avatar
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What determines if a transgranular or intergranular fracture is more likely to occur?

As an example, why does glass tend to break by means of intergranular fracture? My analysis so far led me to believe that the tendency can be related to the intermolecular bond strength in a given ...
hendlim's user avatar
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Using Hertzian contact mechanics to explain fracture cones when an elastic sphere is pressed onto an elastic half space

I'm trying to understand the Hertzian cone fracture process from a continuum mechanics point of view. I'm considering a problem where an elastic sphere is pressed quasi-statically onto an elastic semi-...
MOOSE's user avatar
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How to predict whether and where a rod breaks?

Given a distribution of shear force on a uniform rod, how do we determine whether the rod will break? And if it does break, at which point is it most likely to break? Is it at the point where shear ...
Yu Lu's user avatar
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Deformation/Fracture from Impact

What equations predict the deformation from two objects colliding? Such as dropping a heavy ball onto a plate of metal. Source references would help, I havent found much anything yet.
WaltRed's user avatar
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Failure when under both tensile and shear stress

Suppose I have some element which is under both shear and tensile stress. I know the material properties for ultimate tensile stress and for ultimate shear stress. However, presumably the material ...
Angelorf's user avatar
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Determine throwing angle from fractured glass [closed]

Our neigbours glass windows has allegedly been shattered by neibouring kids. The question is whether the stone came from below the window thrown by someone standing on the ground or above the window ...
TheFibonacciEffect's user avatar
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Why does brass fracture at a 45° angle?

These images were from a demonstration of a brass sample exposed to intense longitudinal (axial) pressure. Initially it was squashed resulting in some bulging outwards and sideways distortion, but ...
StayOnTarget's user avatar
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If the heat capacity of an object changes does the internal energy or temperature of the object change?

Consider a spherical particle of material B contained in a spherical shell of material A. The thermal expansion coefficient of B is greater than that of A so that when the object is heated an internal ...
scomtott's user avatar
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Why does my baby's feeding bottle get smashed in fewer pieces when fuller?

After and after again my baby has tossed in the air his glass made feeding bottle and get it smashed on the floor, I realized that the more the milk the bottle has the fewer fragments I had to ...
dmtri's user avatar
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Does the square cube law always hold?

Water has surface tension but surface tension doesn't follow the square cube law. To reduce the size of its meniscus by half, you require 4 times the gravitational field strength. According to the ...
Timothy's user avatar
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Will fracture occur under very high hydrostatic pressure?

In the case of tensile loading, the distances between atoms or molecules increase and finally the material is broken because of bonds breakage between atoms or molecules. But, what about the ...
lucas's user avatar
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Crack pattern of safety glass - what gives rise to spider web-like shape

When (laminated) security or shatter-proof glass fractures, the ensuing crack-pattern is often resembling a spider web, with radial and concentric cracks, see e.g. (Source: http://essentialhommemag....
David's user avatar
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Why a bullet leaves a hole on glass where stone makes scratch? [duplicate]

When we throw a stone it breaks the glass with scratches. But when a bullet hits the glass it leaves a small hole(not always) . I want to know the specific reason behind making hole and scratch.
Md. Sazzad Hossain's user avatar
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Why is there roughness on every surface?

Why is there roughness on every surface? I think a smooth surface could better minimize the surface energy. Besides, why does the roughness happen to be fractal?
Haodong Du's user avatar
4 votes
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What forces are present when slicing an object?

I found here: What happens when we cut objects? that it is due to fracture wood splits open when using a wedge. Does it only apply when the wedge is already in the wood? How about the moment before ...
user45261's user avatar
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Why Do Sausages Always Split Lengthwise?

Sausages universally split parallel to the length of the sausage. Why is that?
Dale's user avatar
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